Is it possible to give thanks in all circumstances? It sure is! 

The truth is, when we're focused on giving thanks, we have a whole new perspective. Complaining and grumbling find no home in the heart filled with gratitude. 

If you're thinking 'easier said than done', then this is for you. The Thanks.Giving gift pack will set your mind on the things that matter most and inspire you to see how God is working in your life.

You get:
- 5 prayer cards;
- 5 scripture cards;

AND as a bonus:
- 4 thank you cards 
('cause thankfulness is too good to keep to yourself)


The "Thanks.Giving" gift pack was crafted in love, all with the aim of inspiring everyday gratitude. 
Because giving thanks doesn't need to stop at Thanksgiving.

The best part about this gift pack is that it is absolutely free


Plus, you can opt to receive exclusive access to my treasure chest of resources and all the freebies that friends enjoy. Just check the box below and I'll let you in!

Feel free to unsubscribe at any time. 

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